Past Brigades

Guatemala 2023

GMB members flew down to Guatemala for a six-day trip centered on aiding the local communities. Brigade members spent multiple days working in clinical settings, offering dentistry as well as optometric and general health care to the citizens of Aldea Chajlaya. The individuals residing in the city were also educated on the effects of stress and the importance of vaccinations. Children in the area were taught about oral hygiene and had the chance to pick their own care package. During some downtime, GMB members got the chance to interact with locals! Members danced, played soccer, and so much more!

Greece 2022

GMB members got to visit and host a clinic in Athens, Greece in the Summer of 2022. Between 100 to 200 patients were cared for in our clinic which was partially due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. Our three clinic days included patient intake/triage/DI, pediatrics 1 and 2, ophthalmology, and OB/GYN stations. Brigaders learned about the economic and refugee crisis happening in the community. They also visited a Boy Shelter and delivered medical presentations regarding healthy eating habits and had tons of fun with the kids.

Guatemala 2021

GMB flew down to Guatemala where it set up clinics in two communities, Aldea Chuachali and Xepac. Stations at each clinic included consultation 1 and 2, optometry, dental, OB/GYN, charla, and pharmacy. The communities were very thankful that we were there and we saw a large turnout of over 550 people. We educated community members in our charla stations on topics like hypertension, epilepsy, diabetes, asthma, and COVID-19. Unfortunately, we were unable to have a day 6 project on this brigade due to COVID-19 concerns.

Greece 2021

GMB members got to visit and host a clinic in Athens, Greece in the Summer of 2021. Between 100 to 200 patients were cared for in our clinic which was partially due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. Our clinic included intake/triage/DI, pediatrics 1 and 2, ophthalmology, and OB/GYN stations. Community members consisted mostly of refugees and they were educated on topics such as breastfeeding for both the mother and baby. Brigaders also worked with local NGO’s for networking and growth in a sector of Athens dedicated to refugee relief and assistance, growing their brand and creating new connections to mutually promote lasting change moving forward.

Panama 2019

GMB visited the Darlen Province in Panama in 2019. We cared for over 670 patients in a clinic including intake, triage, consultation, optometry, pharmacy, charla, and dental stations. Patients were most commonly treated for eye concerns. Our charla education station primarily focused on nutrition. The final day project for this trip was a medical health fair with the community discussing nutrition, oral hygiene, physical fitness, and women's health. The women’s health charla discussed prominent health issues that the community members were genuinely unaware of, prompting great interest in purchasing menstrual products in the future and educating them on proper usage.

Ghana 2019

GMB visited the Eyisam community in Ghana in 2019. We held a medical clinic that included intake, triage, consultation, optometry, pharmacy, and charla stations. Our charla station educated about a variety of topics relevant to the people in the community including malaria, nutrition, and physical fitness. Patients were most often treated for malarial infections in the community. The day 6 project for this brigade was a public health building project in which volunteers assisted the community in building home toilets and septic tanks in the Ekumpuano community. This community has a population of 30,000+ people and only has 7 public toilets accessible collectively. There was a follow-up discussion on toilet and sewage maintenance with community leaders and heads of receiving households. 

Nicaragua 2018

GMB visited the community of Samulali in Nicaragua in 2018. We ran a clinic including intake, triage, consultation, gynecology, optometry, pharmacy, charla, and dental stations. A total of 988 patients were serviced in the clinic. Community members were most commonly in need of treatment for hypertension related issues. They were educated on dental hygiene at our charla station. On the final day, our volunteers helped build a water pipeline through Sierra Morena for clean water access. This community had previously gone without consistent clean water and relied on hauling water from rivers and wells.