Leadership Opportunities

Global Medical Brigades offers excellent leadership opportunities to its members. Applications are available to all members and interviews to seat positions are held on an annual basis by current executive board members. Our leaders not only set an example for the general body, but also organize all of the meetings, events, and activities held throughout the year. Details regarding the role of all leadership positions within the club can be found below.

Closed for the 2024-2025 Year!

Closed for Fall 2024 applications

Professional Development Director

Professional Development Director is a member of the Public Relations branch. They are responsible for organizing seminars and graduate school panels. They also work to put together all non-brigade related workshops like CPR, and First Aid.

Outreach Director

Outreach director is a member of the Outreach Branch. As well as this they are responsible for information sessions and tabling events for recruitment.

Social Director

Social Director is a member of the Outreach Branch. They are responsible for monthly small-scale social events. They are responsible for the creation of flyers and management of social media.

Philanthropy Director

Philanthropy Director is a member of the Fundraising Branch. They are responsible for fundraising events like partial proceeds, tabling events, and other campaigns. As well as this, they are responsible for monthly volunteering events.

Concessions Director

Concession’s director is a member of the Fundraising Branch. They are responsible for managing relationships with our concessions partners and organizing fundraising events in the form of concessions UCF football games. Orlando City Soccer, and Orlando pride games.

Website Design Director

Website Design Director is a member of the Outreach Branch. They are responsible for managing the GMB website and assisting with our general body meetings.

Executive Board


President serves as the chief executive for Global Medical Brigades at the University of Central Florida and manages the day to day operations and continue to push GMB to elevate members to new heights. The president also works with the global brigades parent organization to organization and plan brigades.

Vice President

Vice President is the executive offers that oversees the community relations branch of the leadership board. This branch focuses on community outreach and recruitment. The Vice President also manages room reservations, and coordination with UCF to ensure the successful execution of operations.

Health Officer

Health Officer is the executive officer that oversees Brigade Operations branch. This branch focuses on brigade preparation and brigader education. Health officer also chairs the donation committee and is responsible for supply collection, organization, and transportation.


Secretary is the executive officer that oversees the Brigader Relations Branch. This branch focuses on members and club activities such as socials, volunteering events, meeting attendance, and our point system. The secretary is also responsible for documentation, emails, and newsletters to keep members up to date.


Treasurer is the executive officer that oversees the Fundraising Branch. This branch focuses on the the management of GMB’s financial resources and fundraising. The treasurer is also responsible for maintaining the budget, spending policies and distribution of money after concession events.

Board of Directors