Frequently Asked Questions
What is Global Medical Brigades?
Global Medical Brigades at UCF is the medical chapter under the international non-profit called Global Brigades. Global Medical Brigades is the largest student-run movement for global health. We focus primarily on providing free, accessible healthcare to underdeveloped communities/ vulnerable populations that need assistance. Most of these communities that we visit have not seen a doctor in years, as the healthcare system is different in these countries. We focus on sustainability to ensure that all members of the community have continued care with medication or necessary supplies after our brigade is complete.
What is a Medical Brigade?
A medical brigade is simply our term for the medical service trip that we take. Our brigades are usually seven days long. The itinerary changes depending on our travel plans, but generally we set aside 2 days for travel, 3-4 clinic days, and an additional day where we will either complete a public health project or partake in a cultural exchange with the clinic community.
How can I join GMB?
In order to join GMB, you will need to fill out our membership application found under the “Get Involved” tab. Once you have completed the application, all you have to do is pay our $35 member dues.
Where does GMB travel?
GMB travels to underdeveloped communities or communities with vulnerable populations (such as the refugees) in the following countries - Panama, Nicaragua, Honduras, Ghana, Guatemala, or Greece. The communities within the countries that we will be travel to are determined by their needs at the current time.
How do I sign up for a Brigade?
In order to sign up for a brigade, you will need to go to our “Brigades” tab which will lead to a drop down menu. From the drop down menu you will need to select “Upcoming Brigades.” Once on the “Upcoming Brigades” page you will find information regarding where we are going, cost, etc. You will also find a “sign-up” button under the brigade of your choice. After selecting the “sign-up” button you will be taken to another webpage where you will select the large red “Volunteer” button and fill out your information. After filling out all of your information your name should appear on the list of volunteers located on the page where you clicked the volunteer button.
Do I have to travel?
No, you do not have to travel but we highly encourage it if you are able to do so. We do have other events such as social, volunteering events, professional development events, etc. that you can attend throughout the year so you can always join us until you are ready to travel with us.
Do I get Shadowing Hours?
Yes! Just for one trip, you will receive 40 shadowing hours and 40 volunteering hours (you can earn additional volunteer hours throughout the year with various events offered).
Do I need to speak the country's native language?
No. We do not have any restrictions on known language to travel with us. Depending on where we travel, we hold workshops in order to teach you what you need to know regarding the local language. We also have access to translators while on our brigade, as well as potentially having fluent speakers from our organization.
How much does it cost?
Cost varies by location but is usually between a flat rate of $990 - $1450 (including all transportation, food, lodging, etc.) plus the cost of the flight (varies each year). We hold numerous opportunities for fundraising throughout the year to help bring your cost down!
How do you choose who travels?
During the COVID-19 pandemic, our numbers are mildly reduced. However, as the world adjusts and things open up, we are slowly returning to our previous operations. This means that starting with the 2022 brigades, we will likely not have a limit on who can travel. If you are a paid member and you make your donations by our deadlines, then you are able to travel with us!
What are the different stations at the clinic?
We have triage, consultation (with a doctor), dentistry, and pharmacy. We also have the opportunity for different specialties including OBGYN, pediatrics, optometry/ophthalmology , physical therapy and potentially more!
Will I learn?
Yes! The doctors we shadow are very aware we are students and want to learn, and they are always patient with us and let us help out as much as we can. Based on our circumstances, they allow us to be very interactive with the patients, and allow us students run our triage station ourselves. Many doctors are also willing to go above and beyond with their teaching when they notice students taking notes and asking questions. So the more effort you put into learning, the more you’ll get out.
Do I need medical experience? Is GMB limited to Pre-Medical students?
Absolutely not! We allow students of any year, any major, and any experience to travel with us.