Become a Member
Global Medical Brigades at the University of Central Florida has many activities and benefits that our members can take advantage of, but we understand that it can sometimes be confusing to figure out how to get involved. These instructions should provide prospective members a means to get started and take advantage of all that Global Medical Brigades offers.
For prospective members…
The first thing that you are going to want to do is submit the general member application below. By filling out this application, you will be added to a list to receive emails from us about news and upcoming events. Once you have completed the application, you will have the option to pay dues at that time or wait to pay dues at a later date.
To pay dues at a later date please send $35 to
Venmo: @globalmedicalbrigades-ucf
Paypal: GMBatUCF
Paying dues opens up more benefits including but not limited to a GMB t-shirt, the ability to be granted volunteering hours on knightconnect, leadership opportunities, and more options when it comes to brigade preparations. This 35 dollar fee will cover the entire school year.
The next step is getting involved by going to meetings and other events. The best ways to keep track of our events is the website calendar and our GroupMe. To Join the GroupMe you can use the QR Code below! Our meetings are held on Wednesdays at 7 PM est. The location is usually the same (Global Building 101), but in the event that the details change between meetings, GroupMe Announcements/emails will be sent out with the updated information. You should receive emails after filling out the member application as well. If you are not receiving emails from us, or have questions about a particular meeting or event, feel free to contact any of our brigade advisors.
Step 1: Fill Out Our 2024-2025 General Membership Application.
Step 2: Join Our GroupMe For Weekly Updates!
Step 3: Request to join our KnightConnect to keep track of volunteer hours! You will be accepted once dues are paid.